Half term adventures

It’s been a cold and wet half-term, but I’ve still had a Jolly Holiday. I’ve finally got out and done some gardening. I’ve enjoyed some day trips, sleepovers, building projects and a trip to the theatre.

The snowdrops, iris and birds returning to the garden have reminded me that spring is on it’s way. Chim Chim Cher ee !!

Dunham Massey

Me and my Mum had a great time at Dunham Massey. We had a walk round the garden and I loved how the snowdrops had a beautiful contrast with the iris, with their sharp colours of dark and light blue.

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My mum has got a new phone, so we had a brilliant time messing with the slo-mo and time lapse video, filming the ice from the frozen pond (all done very safely) and trees in the woodland. We got the giggles – I love to laugh

Nature’s Gym

Ice, Ice Baby

The whole day was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious !

Grandma’s Garden

I helped my Grandma in her garden; we used loppers to do a bit of cutting back and tidying up.

We also had a chat about how the garden could look in the summer and autumn – we’ve got a lot of work to do. I enjoyed helping my Grandma and it was nice to be out in the garden at last.

At Grandma & Grandads

My Grandad helped me with my school project. We have to make a fairground ride (where possible) with movement, sound and lights.

I absolutely love my Grandad’s workshop; there’s all things hanging off the ceiling, on shelves and in drawers – it’s full of interesting stuff. He showed me how to safely use tools, like a hand drill and a bradawl (A bradawl is used to make an indentation in wood in order to ease the insertion of a nail or screw).

WW2 Day at School – Step in Time

As promised here are some photos from the WW2 day at school; it was really great, better than an ordinary school day.

Everyone including my teacher dressed up and we had to line up in alphabetical order. Every time an adult entered the classroom we had to stand up. In class, boys and girls had to sit separately and it was all about manners – girls had to go first at everything. We did some games, like the boys played marbles and the girls hopscotch. It was “spiffing” day !

Feed the birds

I was really chuffed to see a greenfinch and a goldfinch fly into our fir tree at home, which I’ve seen for a few years now, in our garden. It’s great to know they’ve come back again, now you know spring must be on it’s way.

Greenfinch are a bulky bird, with a big beak, and a sharp stripe of yellow down their side.

Here I am filling up the bird feeders with mealworms, sunflower hearts, mixed seeds, peanuts and a spoonful of sugar !

Gardening at home

Later in the week I helped my Dad tidy up the garden, doing some pruning and cutting back old growth using gardening tools.


It’s time to start thinking about sowing seeds and sometimes the words used aren’t that child friendly, so the RHS Campaign for School Gardening have put together a really helpful seed sowing link that tells you in simple language about terms, like germination.

I’m looking forward to going to Hulme Community Garden Centre this Sunday for their Potato Day – I’ll be stocking up on some different varieties ready to chit.

And I CAN’T wait for Gardening Club to start at school on Monday – Woo Hoo!

I’ve been to the theatre this week, can you guess what I watched?






About greenfingeredgeorge

Wildlife Gardener studying Environmental Science at Stirling University
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13 Responses to Half term adventures

  1. Barbara Shockledge says:

    Busy week! Now get your schoolbag packed – SPIT SPOT! Xxx


    • Thanks my “Perfect Nanny”, next time it’s windy “Lets go fly a kite!” and because of the cold weather, if you’re ill “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down”. See you Monday x


  2. Steve says:

    Aww I love your blog updates George, brings a smile to my face! 😀 it’s certainly been a wet and windy day today but it didn’t stop me getting in the garden to cut back some rose bushes ready for the spring. Did you happen to see Mary Poppins by any chance? Plenty of clues in your blog! 😉


  3. bernardhassall@btinternet.com says:

    George, good memory about the bradawl. you know you are always welcome to my junk full workshop. love you . grandad Bernard xxx


  4. Joan Mycroft. says:

    brilliant George


  5. This blog is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Keep it up x5.

    Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Um diddle iddle iddle um diddle ay… 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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